There are a lot of construction materials that serve many different purposes out on the market today. One of the most popular products is specialty sand. These products are commonly used for many jobs that require very specific, fine sands. In this article, we are going to talk about some applications of specialty sands for certain construction projects.
After reading this blog, you will have a better understanding of some of the most popular sand products and their uses. DeFeo Materials can provide you with any of these popular sands for commercial, industrial, and also filtration jobs.

Industrial Sand Solution
Our company can provide the best industrial sand solution for all types of large scale commercial jobs. We have some industrial sands that are specially tailored based on your needs. All of our products are also inspected through our rigorous quality assurance testing procedure before we send them to our customers. There are some common industrial sands that are available in our company, for example, railroad traction sand, shingle roofing granules, winter traction sand, abrasive sand, wastewater filtration sand or media, turf sand and even Boeing jet spec sand. You can contact us to inquire about our available products, so we can meet your requirements.
Commercial Sand Solutions
We can also help provide you with any amount of materials needed for any size construction projects. We have high quality, industrial silica sands and a variety of other products if needed for your job. We can handle any projects, ranging from football fields, baseball fields, school athletic fields, tennis courts, roofing gravel, and even airport runways. We can also create sands with specific sizes, for example, “1 mil” sand which is allowed on the airport runaways. This only size of sand that is safe for the airplane's jet engine to consume while running. We know exactly the right requirements for any job you may have. There are some specialty sand products that we have in our company, including geothermal stone, divot mixes, mason sand, concrete sand, epoxy bridge sand, septic sand, etc. No matter the job, we have the sand that meets your requirements.
Lightweight stone, sand, and block materials
We offer a variety of material commonly used in concrete and block plants. One of the most popular products is a special block mix that is comprised of the screened fines of manufactured aggregates. This process that this once shale material undergoes is impressive. By using this lightweight block material in your mix for the production of your products, you are increasing the strength while lowering the weight of the block. A lighter finished products means more blocks per pallet and cheaper shipping to anywhere, making your company more competitive. We also offer larger sizes like a 3/8” that works great in molds where stone or other items will be attached after. Using a larger size aggregate allows better results when it comes to mortar or glue products that will hold on the stone veneer that will be the face of the fireplace or other outdoor accessory. Ask us for a price per ton delivered and see for yourself why large companies like New Milford Block, Montfort Block and Uni Lock have been using these lightweight sands for years.
Filtration Sand Solutions
This is another common sand category that we supply for many customers. Our industrial filtration sands are especially custom-tailored for meeting specific regulation needs. With years of experience working with our partner Charter Oak Environmental, we can provide you with any necessary consulting, remediation, removal and replacement of your current sand or filter media. We have many different types of high-quality filter sands and gravels for meeting any industrial requirements. Our filtration sand products are suitable for a drinking water system, pool filtration system, wastewater treatment, commercial well drilling, and also environmental monitoring wells.
Past successful jobs include the Town of Auburn, MA Waste Water Treatment Plant, where we supplied lava rock from the western united states for their air filtration system inside the plant. When the public works director reached out to a well known company, Bond Sand and Gravel, they were recommended to DeFeo Materials! This order was filled and the town will continue to smell great for the next 20 years.
Contact Us for Getting the Best Sands for Your Projects
The team at DeFeo Materials is your best options when looking for any sand. When you need to buy any types of sand with regulated specs our team is ready to assist. Our company can provide you with Women Owned, Veteran Owned, Disability Owned Many people leave good reviews about our service because our customer service is unmatched. We will work around the clock to help get your job done on time and under budget.
We offer several types of sands, including, mason sand, beach sand, premium beach sand, concrete or septic sand, dead sand, etc. We can also source any other of the sands mentioned in this article through our wide network of quarries and gravel pits.
Mason sand is one of the most popular products. This sand can deliver finer grains than the other concrete sands. As the result, this sand will provide a good appearance for any decorative jobs around your home. Mason sand is also preferable because it is more affordable than the premium beach sand.