Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Is there a minimum required to purchase?
A: Since DeFeo Materials is a Bulk distributer of stone, we only ship truckloads of materials. Our minimum required order is 23 tons. We can provide you however with the name, address and phone number of your local landscape yard that carries our discount stone products!
Q: What States Do We Serve?
A: DeFeo Materials services the following states for wholesale only:
Q: How Can I Buy From DeFeo Materials
A: To purchase from us you must open an account. Please send an inquiry / application if you are interested in reselling out materials.
Q: Can you keep up with our delivery demands
A: DeFeo Materials owns a fleet of company owned tractor trailers. In addition, other trucking companies are called in for additional trucking power. We have over 50 trucks at our disposal at all times. Our reputation for our word being good has allowed us to grow to one of the largest wholesale decorative stone suppliers on the east coast.
Q: Stone or mulch?
A: Mulch is a great, temporary landscaping solution. Decorative stone however is a permeant fix to any landscape! Stone only has to be purchased and applied once, while mulch has to be spread at least once if not twice a year to look sufficient. Therefore stone is a long term, low maintenance option for every landscape usage!
Q: Do you sell Delaware River Jacks?
A: While Delaware River Jacks are a nice option for river rock, we only sell New England River Rocks™ (DeFeo Materials Brand), a superior option for all your decorative uses.
Q: What makes New England River Rock™ Superior?
A: Our ravishing colors, including blacks, blues, pinks and whites are absolutely eye catching. The round shape of our rock quarried in New England is another impressive benefit to our stone.
Q: Will you run out of stone?
A: Not only do we have large stockpiles at our quarries, we also screen material daily. Our stone reserves are estimated to contain an additional 15 million tons of stone!
Q: How many pounds are in a ton?
A: There are 2,000 lbs in 1 ton of stone.
Q: Where does river rock come from?
A: Many believe that river rock is directly produced from rivers or lakes. However, round stone comes from deposits left behind, beside rivers from glaciers. These glaciers moved the river bottoms and deposited the minerals and stone nearby.
Q: What is decorative stone used for?
A: Decorative stone is used for many reasons including islands in parking lots, landscaping for commercial properties and flower beds.
Q: Are you interested in selling your stone products to us?
A: We are always looking for new and interesting stone varieties to purchase in bulk quantities! Interested in selling your products at wholesale quantities? Just give us a call or email!
Q: Can I get any samples?
A: See a product you like? Just send us an email and let us know what product and size caught your attention. Our staff will send a sample out right away! We are confident in the quality of our products and have a devoted sales staff just waiting for the phone to ring with an order!
Q: How do I know how much stone I need for a job?
A: Looking to renovate your home or business, but are unsure of where to start? The good news is it is fairly simple to calculate how much product you will need for a job. You will want to first measure your area to get your cubic yards. From there you are able to assess how many tons or pallets you may need for the given area! Check out our project calculator to see how much material you will need.
Q: How many tons are in a yard?
A: in general, 1.33 tons = 1 yard of stone. However this can depend on the exact size and the classification of the stone. For example, granite is a very heavy stone and slate is a very light rock. The composition and density has a huge effect on the weight to volume ratio.
Q: How many cubic feet are in a cubic yard?
A: there are 27 cubic feet in one cubic yard. Cubic yards are used for measuring the quantity of stone you will need to fill a desired area with the selected stone, mulch or material of choice.
Q: How much stone should I cover the ground with?
A: We typically suggest a depth of 2-3 inches to cover your area. You want to make sure you get a good amount so there is no sparse areas.
Q: What is the difference between screened and washed stone?
A: Screened stone is ran through a screener to help break up the dirt and mud on the material. When you screen the material it helps to separate size as well as get some of the dirt off. When you wash the material it is screened and ran over with water to get the product extra clean.